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Digital Signature - DSC by Radium Box, we provide Integrated Digital Security Infrastructure for Encryption with Signing, Digital Signatures & Certificates Authentication using PKI Public Key Infrastructure.
Radium Box provides Integrated Digital Security Infrastructure for Organisations to secure their database, and in line we provide Digital Signatures Certificates of Encryption with Signing, Authentication using PKI Public Key Infrastructure and Aadhaar authentication with biometric Fingerprint Scanning Devices.
Radium Box is a Licensed Registering Authority of eMudhra / Sify SafeScrypt, Capricorn, vSign, PantaSign Certifying Authority (CA) under law of Controller of Certifying Authority (CCA) Government of India under the IT Act 2000. We are doing our best with very passion in field of Digital Signature Certificate Software since 2008 for Digital Signature Certificate for MCA 21 / RoC e-Filing / DIN
e-Filing with Digital Signature Certificate is mandatory for companies under MCA 21 program of The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA). The subscribers have to acquire RCAI Class 3 Digital Signature Certificates for Director Identification Number DIN also. All authorized signatories must have Class, 3 Digital Signature Certificate. India most of the e-Filling is done through Chartered Accountants (CA’s), Company Secretary (CS’s), CWA and Tax Consultants and Advocates Class 3 Digital Signature Certificate for e-Tendering, e-Procurement & e-Bidding
. EXIM Digital Signature Certificates Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT)
.For EXIM, exports and Imports a DGFT Digital Signature Certificates are required to digitally sign any documents in electronic format or for transactions being performed through a web-browser on the DGFT website or portal. It is mainly used by the Exporters & Importers registered with the DGFT (Directorate General of Foreign Trade) in India. DGFT Digital Signature Certificates are required to apply for licenses electronically and digitally sign online license applications. Without Digital Signature Certificate we can't transfer data on DGFT portalUSB Tokens - FIPS 140-2 level 2 Certified Tokens
All Digital Signature Certificates must be safely downloaded to a hardware named USB Tokens. Radium Box provides FIPS 140-2 level 2 Certified USB Cryptographic Tokens. We deal in most types of USB Tokens viz. Moserbaer, Aladdin 72K, ePass 2003 Auto and TrusKey, Gemalto etc.EPF - Employee Provident Fund Online Transfer Claim requires Digital Signature Certificate
Digital Signature Certificate is required by EPFO (Employees' provident Fund Organization) for online transfer claims. Digital Signature Certificates make the data transfer process very transparent and efficient. Subscribers can now submit his claim through a present or previous employer. With help of Digital Signature Certificate login portal allows users to view, verify, correct, approve and submit the requests online. Authorized person of the organization's login EPFO portal is required to have a valid Digital Signature Certificate for online submissionsDigital Signature Certificate for e-Filing Income Tax Returns. e-Filing with PAN encrypted Digital Signature Certificate on the Income Tax e-Filing portal has been made mandatory for Firms and Individuals whose accounts are required to be audited u/ s 44 AB of the Income Tax Act' 1961. For others who do not come under the above category, e-Filing Income Tax returns can be done with Digital Signature Certificates also. If filing is done electronically using digital signature, there is no need to submit a physical copy of the return. A physical printed copy of the filled up Form along with the copy of the Provisional Acknowledgement Number of your e-Return has to be submitted if your efilling in not signed with Digital Signature Certificate.
SMS Format for Mobile no. authentication
Your request for a Digital Certificate with eMudhra / Sify SafeScrypt / PantaSign / vSign / Capricorn has been enrolled with the request ID [REQUESTID] and your email ID [EMAIL ID] as seen in our records. Please proceed for your mobile verification by sending an SMS to given number with the following text
. Application Form
. Photo of applicant.
. Personal pan for applicant.
.Proof of principle/head of school.(School ID card)
. Registration certificate( recognized by CBSE or government body)
. Bank Statement.
. Authority letter (It should be on letter head only) (Authority letter should be signed by the reporting authority of the school) Reporting authority - Zonal officer of education.
. Authorizing person sign id required.
. Video required.
. Photo of applicant.
. SPersonal pan for applicant.
. Scanned copy of Applicant's Pan or Aadhar, whichever number is mentioned in Order.
. Proof of principle/head of school.(School ID card)
. Registration certificate( recognized by CBSE or government body)
. Bank Statement.
. Authority letter (It should be on letter head only) (Authority letter should be signed by the reporting authority of the school) Reporting authority - Zonal officer of education.
. Trust deed (Relation of school with trust should be mentioned)
.Authorizing person sign id required. In video (Applicant's Pan or Aadhar, Authority letter)
1. Paper base CBSE Schools comes under Govt.
. PApplication Form
. Photo of applicant.
. Copy of PAN Card of Applicant, if PAN provided
. Scanned copy of Applicant's Pan or Aadhar, whichever number is mentioned in Order.
. Copy of Organization ID Proof of Applicant & Authorized signatory (Org ID Card / Department Letter)
. Proof of principle/head of school (Govt. official ID)
. Authority letter (It should be on letter head only) (Reporting authority - Zonal officer of education.)
. Authorizing person Govt. official ID.
2. Paperless Govt. Schools (Ekyc paperless)
. Photo of applicant.
.Scanned copy of Applicant's Pan or Aadhar, whichever number is mentioned in Order.
.Proof of principle/head of school (Govt. official ID)
. Authority letter (It should be on letter head only) (Reporting authority - Zonal officer of education.)
. Authorizing person Govt. official ID.
. Scanned copy of Organization ID Proof of Applicant & Authorized signatory (Org ID Card / Department Letter)
. Scanned copy-Organization Authorization Letter (Department Letter / Relevant Document)
. Scanned copy- Passport size photo of Applicant (JPG/ PNG file)
. CBSE Application Form
. Copy of Organizational PAN Card (School / Trust / Society / NGO)
. Copy of Recent Bank Statement / Bank Certificate (School / Trust / Society / NGO)
. Copy of Registration certificate (Recognized by CBSE or government body)
.Proof of Authorized Signatory (Copy of resolution from the NGO / Trust / Society authorizing the signatory)
.Authorized Signatory & Applicant ID Proof (Organizational ID Card / PAN Card / etc)
.Copy of Applicant PAN Card
.Registered certificate of NGO/TRUST/SOCIETY along with Organization name for the certificate Obtained
.Scanned copy- Organization Authorization letter (From School Letter Head)
. Scanned Copy-f Organizational PAN Card (School / Trust / Society / NGO)
. Scanned Copy- Recent Bank Statement / Bank Certificate (School/Trust/Society/NGO)
. Scanned Copy- Registered certificate of NGO/TRUST/SOCIETY along with Organization name for the certificate Obtained
.Registration certificate (Recognized by CBSE or government body)
.Proof of Authorized Signatory (Scanned Copy of resolution from the NGO / Trust /Society authorizing the signatory)
.Scanned copy- Organization ID Proof of Applicant & Authorize signatory (School ID Card /Letter Format)
.Scanned Copy- Passport size photo of Applicant (JPG/ PNG file)
.It is Mandatory to display original Organization documents during video recording
You will need a B type Class 2 Organisation Certificate.
Type B Digital Signature denotes that it has been issued to a Organisation.
Yes, It is mandatory.
All types of Schools will need Digital Signature who are affiliated from CBSE, whether they are Private Schools, Government Schools or run by a Trust or Society.
Class 2 Digital Signature is now obsolete from 1st January so you can’t use in India, buy instread Class 3.
A digital signature can be created as aadhaar based paperless DSC, pan based paperless
DSC, GST based paperless DSC
For all of them e-KYC of individual/organization required, depends on the type of DSC
For complete procedure, please call/whatsApp-+91 84343 84343
Digital signature works to provide you high level of security for your online transactions by guaranteeing absolute privacy.
Digital signature most popularly used for signing the PDF file for Tax Returns, MCA, and other government websites. e-commerce documents, legal documentation, MCA e-filing, Income Tax e-filing, LLP registration, GST application, IE code registration, Form 16, E-tendering, Patent and trademark e-filing, MCA e-filing, Customs e-filing, E-procurement, E-biding, E-auction and sharing documents that are highly confidential and contains information that needs to be protected.
Digital signature looks identical to pan paper signature,
Digital signature adopted by various government agencies & is a statutory requirement
of various applications.
Digital signature required to assurance of non-repudiation.
//Digital signature requires authenticating your identity electronically.
Digital signature is the best way to authenticate your data in encrypted form.
For further query mail your requirement to
Features of digital signature
cost saving
strengthening security
secure authentication